School Session Outcomes
Hosted at Signature School
Date: April 25, 2022
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- parks and green spaces in every neighborhood; roads are funded and cleaned up; people walk everywhere and community events are always crowded; outreach programs are plentiful; standard of living increased and food insecurity is a thing of the past; more free clinics, especially in the previously underdeveloped areas; benefits of a small and large city
- Evansville in 15-20 years will be a city home to a rising population of young adults and new families. With the investments into the homeless population, education, underdeveloped areas, and other public services (transportational and medical), Evansville will uplift their citizens and attract new ones.
- I envision my home region investing more into downtown locations. I have noticed a recent trend of reuse for older buildings, such as a bus station becoming a restaurant and an old library becoming a museum. I would like to see more green areas as well. For entertainment areas, I can picture more sports center and small fairgrounds. The city would also have a more efficient sanitation system.
- More parks, greenery; less trash on streets; bigger event spaces to bring people together; more homeless centers; benefits of large and small communities; museums for educational purposes
- sig classes will be done outside more with more guest speakers as well; sig will have actual lunches for students who are financially struggling; the children will all be part of some after school group/team; teens will be tutoring and old people will be properly cared for; there will be a significant increase in the investment of poverty ridden neighborhoods
- I envision large amounts of people out in the community working together to hold community events or just talking together in parks. I envision people of various age groups working together. I envision lots of new small businesses pursuing innovation in our community. I envision less homeless people on the streets and more homeless shelters. Also I would want more programs to help the economically challenged and pursue economic growth in our community. I would even want a decrease in the violence here with more positivity.
- accessible healthcare; accessible resources for disabilities in schools; more non profits; more renewable resources; resources for those in poverty; mental health resources; home economics] type classes
- economic opportunities for everyone; no clear division between counties; more after school hangouts (parks, etc.); more safe houses for homeless; more recycling facilities; more free health care; more public libraries everywhere; benefits of a large and small community
- The schools and the buildings are all clean and there is no garbage on the streets; there are beautiful plants everywhere with flowers blooming, and they are well taken care of; there is very little pollution and no construction around, holding up the community
Group 2 Visions
- Signature school is expanded with more education options for students outside of basic education. Young people in the community are encouraged to speak up for themselves and be involved in their community. All counties are using renewable energy.
- Better public transportation, better healthcare for less fortunate people; more classes in school that teach about different cultures to prevent ignorance
- complete equality; advanced and expanded formerly impoverished regions; eliminated pollution with an environmentally sound area
- more fitness, lower obesity rates; more opportunities of higher education; less discrimination toward people (racism and sexism); less use of nonrenewable resources
- The youth and young adults are now leading and included in all sorts of programs. There are sports activities and internships as well as job opportunities in the community open to all. People no longer feel xenophobia, homophobia, or any strong sentiments towards others. There are more affordable opportunities throughout.
- Leisure activities-escape rooms/playscapes/laser tag; activity-more gyms opportunities for activity/ green workout spaces/ yoga classes in green spaces; more small businesses in Evansville; sports/arts/parks
- all school assignments optional and final grade is motivation based; older generations teaching trades to youth via family owned establishments; Wesselman’s has either expanded or converted from trail hiking to open park space
- less polluted streets, more green spaces around the city; people treating each other with respect; youth will be receiving good education as well as young adults who can also be receiving equal opportunities; workout areas
- more things to do outdoors; less pollution; higher standard of living; keep what’s historical, but remove the old
Group 3 Visions
- I think there should be more schools and community areas where people can go to take classes. There should be more parks / amusement parks to entertain people. More workplaces that get homeless people off the streets and let them work towards getting a house etc. Food pantry, community gardens
- In the future, I envision equal school opportunities available to all children, regardless of their backgrounds and economic state. I also envision young adults who are involved with their community. I would like to see cheaper healthcare available to everyone, more food pantries to support starving communities, a larger switch to renewable energy, more focus on cutting down on pollution, and programs to rehabilitate convicts to give them a second chance.
- In the future, I hope there will be a variety of parks for all ages and sports programs that can include everyone so that they feel comfortable to play sports no matter who they are. I wish there would be more separated gyms for women and men and sport centers like METRO. Also, I hope there’s greater access to healthcare in impoverished areas and food availability. I hope there’s more programs to educate people about inclusivity, diversity, and different cultures. On a more fun side, I hope there’s more entertainment centers for teenagers and families that are engaging and not too expensive. Additionally, I hope our region can make a switch to more renewable energy such as wind, solar, hydroelectric, etc. power for a greener environment.
- I would want to see the community to be welcoming and accepting of each other despite their races, background or gender. Furthermore, I would like to see more efforts focusing on the environment because if we don’t, the newer generations will not be able to see animals we see today, and they might see just a polluted city. I would also like to see more accessibility to healthcare despite economic backgrounds because everyone deserve the chance to live. I hope education will be further improved in order for the benefits of the newer generations and their future.
- homeless shelters, variety of restaurants; youth are at parks, young adults are walking around shopping centers, and the elderly are playing board games in a senior center. The minimum wage has been raised, etc.
- In 15-20 years, there will be more free clinics and organizations that can help people pay for health insurance. Certain companies are kept from polluting our environment. We have parks that have more trees and are supported. More people are using solar panels. Organizations that give convicted persons second chances.
- My vision includes equality and opportunity for everyone. I envision projects to fix up old rough neighborhoods as well as equal opportunity for less fortunate children living in that area. I hope for more programs for people to get involved in and meet people with similar interests. I also want to see an equality of focus put on education, sports, and the arts.
- Some positive changes would be seeing the housing around town be tended to by way of improving the surrounding roads, or even by improving the gardening
Group 4 Visions
- The school systems have continued to improve with all kinds of extracurricular activities for students of all interests to participate in. Driving around there are plenty of parks and large fields of solar panels. There are better modes of public transportations, like more connected bus systems. There are also plenty of locally owned businesses and farmers markets, and all people can have access to good cheap foods.
- I would like to see more green things implemented (renewable resources, composting, less pollution). We should reduce our pollution and plant more plants. More better public transportation. Green Evansville
- I’d like to see mycommunity [have] less reliance on coal and more usage of electricity instead. I’d also like for the community to end discrimination of culture and religion. We can also do more recycling of plastic and reduce trash. I also would like to see the Tri-State area use solar panels to power everything. Also, there should be more after school activities for unfortunate youth. I think the Newburgh community should be more tight-knit than the economic division there is today. Especially in Signature School, I think there should be more school-wide activities for all grades to connect together.
- I would want to see in my community the use of renewable energy. The increased equality and food resources become accessible to all.
- I would like to see more rural areas on the outside of the 5 counties be replaced with renewable sources of energy. With part of the profits going to the farmers whose land they are built on. To maintain food stability, farms would be focused on plant production, with the meat being lab grown. The center Evansville area would be small business focused with some space still allocated to bigger businesses. Many parks lin in the city that are open to the public.
- change energy sources from coal to solar panels; energy that doesn’t contaminate the environment; implement the transportation system at schools as well as after school activities
- I would like to see our young community expand and take more action to improve our community.
- I see my city that maintains its local identity, along with new and modern designs that show how the community is vital. It also has small green spaces that help give a natural feeling to the city. The public transport system is much more developed and services the greater community. The dam is now hydroelectric and during the summer, children swim in the river.
Group 5 Visions
- 15 years into the future, Evansville will be a completely changed city. The healthcare will be improved, so it’s more affordable for the citizens. There will be more public parks and playground for the youth to play on during the summer. A majority of the cars on the road will be electric, so air pollution will not be a problem. The education for the youth will improved in areas that need it, and average SAT scores will increase. The greatest impact overall will be the fact that Evansville will be more family friendly and a more safe society.
- Signature School in 15-20 years will be bigger with more people and diversity, a bigger campus with more options in regards to classes and more opportunities, and a more united community, culture, without class and regional divisions. There will be more trust in the students and it will be a safer community, with more outreach and less homelessness.
- Signature School has gained more funding and reached out to the community, they have spread their values of good caring education, clubs that incorporate all the wants and desires of students, we have a vast scholarship opportunities and internship opportunities, and a large involvement in the community. This region knows how important our education and involvement is. Our community is clean, houses are kept maintenanced, and we have lots of public activities. We have spaces for rock climbing, biking, fishing, running, walking, hiking. We have multiple cute shops and open areas for people to be outdoors.
- In Evansville 15-20 years from now, I expect to see a more greener community, with more environmental programs and in this future I see a less polluted Ohio River. The environment is such a big issue that I expect to be improved to reach our best community. I believe service community projects should occur. I also would like the incorporation of more family owned shops and less big chain stores. More parks and green areas would be a plus, and I think we should find more ways to leave behind nonrenewable energy use and to more prioritize recycling.
- People are out everywhere working in the community, whether it be service, planting trees, building homes for others, etc. Children are playing safely in the streets and crime/violence are reduced. Troubled areas have been improved and safety has increased. Opportunities have become more open for people of all demographics. More parks are open and greenspaces. Homeless centers have increased in number and stigmas are gone.
- The youth are the community. They develop the open opportunities to the new families in town. A diverse environment and everyone is eager or knowledgeable about different cultures. The youth get taught and are knowledgeable about each counties’ environments. The youth tend to interact with the elderly through services or nursing homes. Many festivals are made throughout the year to increase communication.
- Safer bike paths; more affordable housing of quality; more green spaces, especially evergreens (Evansville looks very sad and gloomy and gray in winter and more evergreens could help with that); more global awareness and global participation, more support for refugees who move here and for immigrants in general; solar panels on agricultural land waste agriculture space, they should be on all [unknown]; not just acceptance but celebration of diversity, more events like festival of nations, evansville day of the dead, etc.; more small scale community music and arts venues
Group 6 Visions
- I want to have a lot more outdoor activities like a new downhill mountain bike area. I want more funding for state parks. I want less LGBTQ ideas forced onto me. I don’t care what you are, but I don’t want you to try and change my opinion by force. I don’t want COVID and mask mandates, I don’t want to have to show proof of vaccination. I don’t want vaccination in general. I want less young drug use. I want more rural activities available, like kayaking, fishing, bowfishing, dirtbikes, and paper runs. I want more 5Ks and running paths.
- Green spaces are more common with activities for all ages; healthcare is equal and easily accessible; contraceptives are available to all, regardless of age or parent consent; more public support for charter schools; outreach centers are publicized more, so everyone is aware of the resources of their community; all schools have the same technological opportunities especially with computers and internet; more recycling containers around town/cities
- I envision signature school with more buildings, its own gymnasium or at least a tunnel to get to the ymca]. I envision signature with a lot more students and teachers but with the same or even better sig culture. I envision downtown a lot greener and colorful, but colorful from natural colors, not billboards or advertisements. I envision a park with kids playing, adults laying on the grass, elders watching and enjoying their time. I envision everyone having fun being present in the moment and grateful.
- I would like to see the establishment of organic stores with produce and natural items all throughout the area with affordable prices. Wellness centers that can help addicts through safe prescribed dosages of substances will also exist. Free gyms with healthy information about nutrition, and the intent to control eating disorders will exist. Healthcare will be affordable. Schools with aftercare programs will exist, and teachers will be paid more. Affordable housing can replace unused or inefficient architecture. Public transit will cut back environmental damage, and industrial pollution will be rolled back to cut down on that.
- No more mobile homes, lots of gardens and public parks, daycares, nursing homes w/ outdoor adventures, good healthcare, farm lands w/ crops and food, many different religious centers, cultural events for all. Many job opportunities but not too many, wide range of career opportunities so everyone has a chance, equal access to a good education, lively and thriving environment, good healthcare, better homes w/ safe spaces
- Sig: greenspace on roof or turn concrete part of the knoll into a green space again (use students in the work, work with Keep Evansville Beautiful, plant native plants) sig bigger/ other schools like us; Centerpoint transition into solar, wind, and compost energy (use methane digesters and have compost collection sites); Energy generation plants like duke that don’t provide for our region leave and provide reparations for harm (decreased air quality and increased cancer and asthma rates)
- Signature school bought the grassy knoll and turned it into a very small park for the public. We also now have a track. There is a greenhouse with gardening classes. The city has many more parks and green spaces. The river is clean and people can swim in it. There should be more accessible recycling containers throughout the city. There is also a sanitation department that cleans the city up.
- I would like to see the youth more involved in the community and working more with each other and adults that can help them make change. Kids should be educated at a young age on the issues in our community and what they can do to help end them. The elderly could share their experiences and their viewpoints with children as well. Recycling should be inexpensive to participate in and therapy should be provided for the homeless with addictions that cause them to not be accepted by homeless shelters. Also, incorporation of compost centers and solar panels.
Architect Drawing

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