Public Session Outcomes
For Education and Neighborhoods
Hosted at Potter’s Wheel
Date: May 17, 2022
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- where equality is visual, african american and native american history is taught and embraced in the schools. a future where every community and streets are properly maintained, where jobs are obtainable
- Equity, access, value, increase in housing similar, more consistent and far reaching public transportation and sidewalks
- Community partners, homes, businesses, families, faith based, schools work together and join other communities; there is no difference in what any of the communities visually look like
- all individuals will see the value of the next generation that foundational in the schools and contributed to by all area entities i.e. church, businesses, health care, govt access, etc.
- Jobs and careers, get people away from depending on government assistance long term
Group 2 Visions
- Having churches coming together as one in unity
- Our schools are the true hub of our community. The schools has support of all stakeholders. There is a system for retaining school personnel that is enticing and equitable. Parents, community partners, and religious organization provide mentorships. There is affordable housing on school property that gives families opportunities to rebuild, to gain foundational skills, and to flourish as a family unit. Spaces exist for after school programs and connections to college and career readiness are available. Equity is truly represented.
- to have a better community
- Everyone feels everyone belongs
Group 3 Visions
- Have all people living around each other and assistance within the community with school, hospital, library, museum, church, and safe area for everyone to share food and everything needed in community
- Collaborative community where all stakeholders have a voice and feel a sense of belonging and have equitable opportunities for education, healthcare, jobs, safe housing, etc.
- World full of sunshine and joy for all ethnicities, leisure love
- Parents with resources to enable them to put children in daycare/ early learning, thus giving the children an equal footing when they enter school. Max exposure to many opportunities as they go through school.
- Everyone loving one another. Each person viewing others are more important than himself, that would give more opportunities to all
- See everyone is loved and strive not fall down; everybody equal; no one left out of anything
Group 4 Visions
- Happiness and better mental health
- a group of kids exploring the environment and school, better community and better mental health
- Happiness and better mental health
- Helping the young youth of today learn how to budget their money, finance program; show them the value of money, also more after school debate team, tutoring
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