February 2022 Retreat Session Outcomes
Hosted at The Barn Abbey, New Harmony, IN
Date: February 9, 2022
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- volunteer hub for people who want to help and don’t know where to start–companies submit requests to volunteer hub
- hub pairs individuals with these specific skill sets
- accessible wifi
- mental health & addiction services
- economic prosperity for the entire community-when communities prosper, so do the people
- more outdoor spaces for people
- more inclusion of diverse groups, more accessible events, more affordable healthcare for all, access to mental health services
- all buildings with wifi
- young people involved in bigger community decisions
- donors who support youth with higher education
- no more discrimination to elderly
- green spaces, clean energy
- affordable housing
- healthcare
- wifi
- more outdoor activities
- natural landscapes
- communal gardens
- supervised teen centers, playgrounds, and after school programs
- elderly daycare center
- economical center
- inclusive center of awareness
- job training
- free sports complex
- bilingual signage
- required CRA
- healthier communities that can be physically active (bike paths, trails, sidewalks, bike rentals)
- healthier food for children in schools
- investment in trade schools; investment in technology education
- a social ecosystem where we all work together to help each other on getting what we need or want; we need to plan for
- the future we leave for our children & theirs; embrace our pat, learn from it, and pass it on
- figure out how to implement bus system to access all neighborhoods, trade schools, colleges & business hubs
- provide state funds for childcare and entertain a conversation about year-round k-12 school (w grassroots)
- improve sidewalks (ADA compliant) & increase number of sidewalks, promote neighborhood connectivity
- increase number of restaurants and cultural activities
Group 2 Visions
- kids are educated on how to recognize their feelings/emotions
- teens are taught the essentials, trade, how to do: cooking, laundry, taxes, loan applications, essential car maintenance
clean region, local produce, local shop, greenhouse
diversity, inclusion, opportunities for all - people help one another out and educate one another
- a community where everyone is welcome
- we learn from our members
- churches will welcome all who come to worship
- community with all kinds of people
- sportsfields
- neighborhood schools
- pay-as-you-can healthcare (mental, emotional, physical)
- greenways
- ethically run socioeconomic retail stores including all hobbies
- pedestrian bridges
- concert music venue
- high quality elder care especially dementia
- libraries where bikes can be checked out
- state of the art roller skating and ice skating rink
- diverse groups (ethnic, spiritual, socioeconomic) interacting with each other
- outdoor water park
- cemetery with green funeral and environmentally friendly options
- rural broadband
- infrastructure upgrades and truck parking–all these new businesses will create additional truck traffic, consider insisting businesses include this in their footprint
- connecting rural & urban for transport
- equal access to jobs, services (medical and mental health), and housing; consumer choice for all services needs
- secure schools & child centers
- food & clothing accessible and quickly provided
- streamline positive messaging, build unity among different communities to promote connectedness, inclusion, and involvement
- economic opportunities more accessible, educational
- opportunities for youth & adults more accomodating
- improved public transportation to entire region
- walking/bike paths from affordable housing communities to grocery, tech centers, rec centers, and green space
- enough mental health resources to match the demand
- affordable state of the art healthcare for all
- reliable/affordable high speed internet for all
- running/biking trails in rural areas
- churches that truly value inclusion of all
- outdoor playgrounds in rural areas
- STEAM centers that help kids who don’t play sports feel valued
- diverse offerings of restaurants
- arts, fun, entertainment
- public libraries in rural areas that are close by
- places for families to have fun together
- outdoor theatre & concerts
- inclusion & love for all
Group 3 Visions
- drug use/homelessness diminished–housing and food insecurity are addressed
- growth in meaningful jobs
- create and clean sidewalk, make city pedestrian friendly
- connect all communities via mass transit
- community centers in every county and in districts that serve the needs as identified by the community, with housing at fair or scale-based rate for 18-25 year olds
- clean energy
- more /reimagined parks; youth sport parks
- internet connectivity improvement
- elder care & transportation
- water treatment–fish farm combination
- trades & home ec back in schools
- more affordable and mobile healthcare (mental, physical, addiction)
- demo and/or remodel old spaces/homes
- riverfront development
- more trails
- continued development for medical education
- overall increase in quality of place
- a place for women as good as the Rescue Mission–a place for life change that allows women and children in need to come and work through their problems and leave productive members of society
- more mass bike trails that connect the whole city and allow
- anyone anywhere easy travel and mobility
- sense of community for all
- tours
- volunteer hub
- community reinvestment act
- games, learning, fitness with shops, restaurants, golf carts
- local food, festivals
- affordability to healthcare, housing
- transportation (all ages) – easy access, inexpensive, reliable
- leisure activities for all ages: festivals, parks, bike & walking paths, sports, tours to different counties across river
- clean: carbon neutral, recycling, trees/environment
- togetherness; forum opportunities
- educations: innovative learning, trade options, career path taught in schools
- technology: digital access, learning centers
- transportation opportunities for people to easily get to and from work
- youth hub, an area for troubled youth to learn their unique skills & talents to find what their passions are and to remove them from influences that have and make the future unsuccessful; let’s help them learn how to be happy with their future and find their true passions!
- revitalizing downtown with shops, restaurants, entertainment centers will bring families into the area; having employable adults in the area will draw even more business
- transportation to those businesses (toyota, etc) from the inner city would help get those people who don’t have transportation to the businesses where they will make money to buy transportation–also creating more taxable income in the area
Group 4 Visions
- youth playing, learning, safe, healthy, have equal access to education resources, they are loved and cared for, are able to be creative and find who they are
- adults have gainful employment, safe affordable places to live, opportunities to learn & play
- elderly are respected and cared for and have appropriate care that is affordable
- energy is more sustainable and super polluters are replaced
people are connected, know each other, and share resources & ideas - people can express themselves freely
- equal access to affordable internet and healthcare
- all populations are represented in leadership and treated equitably
- transportation access is improved
- increased access to low cost accessible healthcare, especially in rural areas
- free wifi for everyone
- additional community centers to teach life skills to both children & adults
- more diverse restaurants in all communities
- immersive field trips
- healthy lifestyles
- region-wide wifi
- hydrogen buses that go everywhere on demand
- energy sharing / green spaces
- region-wide mentorships
- tons of play space
- connected elderly
- neighborhood schools
- trails everywhere
- Evansville Island for commerce
- physical activity
- food sharing
- free high quality healthcare
- a community with equality, fair jobs, and opportunities for all
schools with inclusive education that make all culturally aware
mobile healthcare clinics with free preventive care that focus on rural areas - youth centers that teach life skills, resumes, interview skills, trades
- free gardens in neighborhoods for all; lessons on how to grow
- food and use them in healthy recipes
- skilled nursing care that is affordable
- more green energy
- more urban green space specifically in produce production
- more crisis housing and programs to assist families in crisis
- better mental health resources
Architect Drawing

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