Organization Session Outcomes
Hosted at E-REP
Date: November 19, 2021
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- Vibrant Downtown
- Community pride with connectedness and fun
- Music activity for all ages / ethnicity / Groups
- Fair business practices
- offer incentives to rehab spaces
- more Arts/ mural activities
- connected communities with walkability
- Infrastructure
- Arts
- Kids community
- New Businesses
- Better business management
- Healthcare
- Better education
- better care for elderly
- Facilitate younger talent
- Trader Joe’s
- Top Golf
- Trails
- Biking
- Hiking
- Better housing
- daycare for all
Group 2 Visions
- Young diversified workforce
- Diverse businesses / employees / owners
- Safe Healthy activities
- Low Obesity Rates
- Clean Air / Water
- Low Poverty
- Modern infrastructure
- high education results
- Vibrant Downtown
- trail connections
- complete streets
- Park diversity
- Cleaned landscaped streets
- Modern Nelson signage
- Happy healthy and passionate residents
- promote education
- Elder and youth share experiences
- respectful to all races
- being together
- Housing Diversity
- both sides of rivers – connectivity
- quality of place amenities
- population control
Group 3 Visions
- Better schools
- More free and workspace daycares
- better care for elderly
- Youth and elder coming together to share experiences
- connection- marketing where needs are everywhere
- Volunteers – exposure for the need are everywhere
- Welcome station – EPREP
- Better learning activities to compete with outside world
- Watch out for each other
- each person connected with two people outside relation
- online / inclass blended education system
- learning from elderly
- Vibrant town squares
- public transport and trails connecting communities
- Accessible and connected walkways
- internet
- daycare
- diversity
- inclusivity
- Clean Air / Water
- trails
- Music activity for all ages / ethnicity / Groups
- recycling
Group 4 Visions
- mixed use
- mixed income
- mixed generational
- Connected communities with activities for all
- diversity is important and actively sought in all areas
- education is accessible and history is thought accurately
- elderly people are integrated in the education system
- indoor/outdoor dog parks
- schools hub of everything from birth to seniorhood–continued learning
- trails around neighborhoods
- local gardens
- regional planning
- energized downtown
- YP Growth population
- stronger communities
- better green space
- Regional events for generations
- Easier commute
Architect Drawing

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