Public Session Outcomes
Hosted at Henderson Housing Authority
Date: September 21, 2021
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
youth having more things to do and entertain
youth helping the elderly when they need it
everyone helping everyone
equal opportunity
more transportation for people who do not have it
everyone having ability for housing
job opportunities
youth center that offers life skills, education, Chaplin, mentorship, nutrition, resources, mental health; it starts with the youth & then transforms to the families; with the youth center you develop a youth of leaders, stability, connection, resources, which provide a flourishing community & everyone wins–no lack, no difference
public transportation between Henderson & Evansville
public green space & trees within walking distance for all
citizens housed in safe, clean, affordable spaces
minimum wage = living wage
healthcare go out into community
healthy grocery stores and community gardens
youth being of service to the community
outreach programs
recovery opportunities
equal rights |
job opportunities
helpful hands |
fair housing |
free healthcare for all who need it
diversity in work, education, church, everything
trees planted to watch them grow
more youth help with things to help them grow with life skills
Group 2 Visions
a place that’s inclusive and always looking for ways to change lives
a safe and clean environment
more affordable healthcare
more diverse community leaders
more coming together as a community, learning that it’s ok to agree to disagree but still love/like thy neighbor
people from all different backgrounds communicating with each other and working together to better the community
churches providing programs for youth
equal job opportunities
equal housing regardless of background
seniors and children and families spending time together
program that help felons get jobs and reenter society
centers to help drug addicts have a place to go get fed, shower, and sleep for the night
counselling for children from broken homes
clean places for children to play
awareness of stigmas
human rights for inmates
environmental safety, recycling
mental health dual diagnosis
Neighborhood Watch
new bridge to Evansville
job opportunities
religious diversity
volunteer work availability
community centers for youth and activities
alternative power options
employment opportunities for felons
soup kitchens & shelters
anti-gang violence/crime awareness
free public transportation
community outreach program
abandoned building renovation
medical/recreational marijuana
needle exchange
neighbor diversity
kids playing with seniors
families–black, white, Latino–helping others
everybody working
Group 3 Visions
more peace and less hatred, less wars
people coming together in the community as one with no one left behind
children educated well
rundown houses in neighborhoods fixed up and new schools built for the children; get rid of old buildings that aren’t being used and replace with a park or something for our children or more recovery centers
more peace, less hatred, less wars
people coming together in the community as one with no one left behind
more things for kids and young adults to do, more events on the East Side of Henderson
some areas for farmers markets that are affordable
more housing |
way more recovery–less people in jail that are never given the chance for recovery
no substandard housing
parks in every neighborhood
volunteers working on litter projects
tennis lessons
disc golf |
enjoying the Ohio river in the riverfront communities
families enjoying the downtown Farmers’ Markets
riverfront water feature
Group 4 Visions
a 5-county region that is working together as group for the betterment of all; no divisions–all-inclusive communities that all work for the common goal
encourage youth to be active with family and friends–young adults don’t have to work all the time to make ends meet–spend more time with family
elderly included and cared for
all essential needs are accessible and affordable
planned unit developments of housing that includes housing for all income groups without them being referenced as low, moderate, or high; housing that is built for the futureward that anticipates a family’s needs; all housing should be built accessible and adaptable to meet the needs and visibility
affordable healthcare that includes mental health
community with more activities
community garden–hands-on growth and development
all types of housing levels living together
education barriers removed for equity
communities that check up on one another
event center for large events
opportunities for all
fresh fruits and vegetables affordable to all
more handicap-accessible housing
actives for children, adults, & elderly to get them out of the house more
community clinics
stop crime |
affordable healthcare
stop hate crimes
event center for large events
PUD – housing for all income groups
farmers markets, community gardens
more parks |
recovery for men
another homeless center for families
nighttime daycare
affordable mental healthcare
recovery meetings, activities, speakers, events
affordable activities for all ages–skateparks, museums, galleries, cinema, mall, gardening
neighborhood watch to cut down on crimes
mental health behavior
rehab for men also
clean-up volunteer community neighborhoods, roads, businesses
affordable daycare center at night
Group 5 Visions
free healthcare
work stops at 5:00
people meet in the community centers (eat together once a week)
better public transportation
neighbors helping other neighbors
unfilled buildings/hotels become shelters/housing
more murals, mural trail, engagement in public art & interest in community, collaboration of artists/coalition of local artists, students as interns, grant & scholarship opportunities, interest in participating, more artists / greater ability to make a living as an artist, more awareness of proper paint disposal techniques, environmental improvement, COMMUNITY PRIDE OVERALL
more farmers markets with fresh vegetables
affordable or free healthcare
more volunteering–pull together as a community
more school activities
museums |
nature trails |
day cares |
Boys and Girls clubs
diversity throughout the tri-state
people have the opportunity to succeed if they so desire
housing market is booming & job growth is plentiful
city & county government works together to promote fairness for its citizens
affordable healthcare
community base programs are working
Group 6 Visions
green space for educational programs
youth & adults yearning for intergenerational opportunities for connection & conversation
increase opportunities for literacy
lower income and middle income housing opportunities
indoor/outdoor sports complex
more transportation (urban & rural)
community health center – more services for reentry and rehabilitation
nonprofit alliance
more mental health services
resources for recovery and addiction, especially for men
Architect Drawing

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