Corporate Session Outcomes

Hosted by Deaconess Hospital

County: Vanderburgh, IN

Date: October 16, 2019

Total Participants

Participant Demographics

Participant Passions

Carry Forward

Leave Behind


Group 1 Visions

  • Not a lot of access; envision Henderson having more access to children activities–need to increase; would like to see two high schools instead of one, access to healthcare for those who do not have health insurance, access to well-paying jobs, more access to outdoor activities/greenspace
  • Vibrant clean downtown, safe, new baseball stadium downtown, strong small business, and large businesses coming together, a central monument of inclusion, safe and clean, well lite with technology, nice transportation
  • faith-based community, where everyone comes together from different religions, connecting and talking about their differences, community outreach for the addicted, homeless, abused, mentally ill, emphasis on the outreach programs, also on green space
  • a multi-state insulin-affordability taskforce
  • free primary care healthcare clinic including medication assistance and low-cost pharmacy
  • pulling together hunters, farmers, food banks, local grocers to ensure access to nutritious food
  • improve and advertise local internships to pull college students back to area
  • adaptive rowing on Ohio river; with docks and boats going out to individuals (including those with disabilities); bringing together local schools and groups to compete; races spaced for those with disabilities and those without; will keep people active for lifetime
  • water taxi service to put boats on and take up by bridges (east of dress plaza) and let them row down to avoid/work with current

Group 2 Visions

  •  activities that are outside focused (softball)
  • more sunshine
  • good healthcare & medical specialists, affordable insurance; specialty doctors that have personal experience with the specialty diseases they treat
  • like groups use business hubs to solve problems via continuous improvement events or conferences (ex non-profits, religious groups, schools); environmental & business get together to solve problems
  • bike trails & sidewalks everywhere connecting suburbs to cities & people to each other
  • people helping people (homeless, hungry, poor, jobs)
  • public transportation connecting ALL communities
  • free wifi for everyone
  • parks that connect between communities
  • business hubs to enable collaboration & sharing employees
  • community health resources available to everyone

Group 3 Visions

  • schools
  • programming in schools, technology,
  • music
  • adequate budget
  • safety at school
  • outdoor activity – biking, trails
  • sports hub for youth – all sport in travel ports
  • attract people
  • Posy is spa community
  • hubs good for elderly
  • Gibson – bring in major mall
  • Henderson – capitalize on the autobahn – hiking, biking
  • ferry across Ohio River
  • camping – glamping
  • Vanderburgh sports hub
  • Warrick – creat hub of nightlife
  • Millenial corridors
  • safe neighborhoods – kids play outside
  • affordable housing
  • big and small houses
  • good internet access
  • parks and greenspace
  • inclusion of everyone
  • trail system (IL, KY, IN)
  • walking bridge on old 41
  • Henderson to Dogtown Bridge
  • 25-mile loop incorporating
  • transportation
  • collaboration
  • mobility
  • connecting trails
  • collaborate in tri-state
  • non-competitive

Group 4 Visions

  • light rail/public transportation to connect the regions
  • new industry powered by clean energy sources – helping to drive growth within our region
  • all hospitals connected so patient information can be shared and transparent
  • activities for families and friends
  • community areas in rural communities
  • rural wifi
  • ability to work from home
  • education and technology for everyone especially kids
  • parks and trails
  • wifi
  • affordable housing
  • organic food
  • airplane choices and increased
  • destinations

Architect Drawing

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VOICE is a region-wide initiative facilitated, produced, and managed by Leadership Everyone.