Hosted by Leadership Everyone
Date: October 23, 2019
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- public transportation (light rail or subway)
- outlet shopping center
- outer counties more involved; things going on in Evansville need to reach people in counties (connection, involvement, community interaction)
- regional sports organization (instead of separate one for each city/county) or connecting the existing teams
- connecting combining all schools in the region from different counties for activities (like food drive)
- concept of tree–healthy vibrant aspects growing together (strong families, access to education, respect, community)
- more attractions and recreation (aquarium, theater, music lounges), outdoor amphitheater
- overall happy environment–our community as a whole being content, team-oriented, and involved
a community as.a whole that is warm and welcoming to all different types of people
Group 2 Visions
- Community and relationship
- Shared experiences
- Cohesiveness
- Better Education
- affordable housing
- employment – better pay
- better more collaborative health care
- Diversification of our energy sources
- Renewable Energy
- More happy stuff
- Access to nonprofit programs
- Access to community offerings and help
- Senior community housing
- Safe spaces
- Parks for kids
- Trails – Biking
- Outreach
- Free Healthcare
- After school care
- good health food stores
- joint community centers
- schools
- combined effort
- Cookies
- collaborative effort
- Civic duty to be involved
Group 3 Visions
- more community involvement–community gardens, green space
- commissioned art & murals
- bike & pedestrian paths
- mandatory recycling
- repair cafes
- getting students involved in civil service, implementing this in schools
- public transportation
- Government that works for people
- Responsible government
- Partnership with various levels of government and people
- healthy debate and political discourse
- infrastructure
- sustainable resources
- sustainable food
- a financially flourishing community; a surplus of money
- a school that teaches financial education
- healthy food options in schools
- extracurricular activities with arenas, sports parks, parks
- an inclusive community
- covered bridges festival brings an artist to Evansville
- Artist are contributing the beautification of the city
- affordable and mixed-income housing neighborhoods
- Innovation growth
Group 4 Visions
- skill-based education-all levels; build out skills for the deskless workers; keep people employable
- understand arts
- kids education
- families access to food
- animal shelters; animal officers paid better for retention; funding increased from the city; updated nicer larger shelter; less euthanization
- railcar into city/work, solar cars/ monorail, cut down on accidents, pollution-free
- neighborhoods and living centers outside the city,
- abolish social media;
- raise pay for public safety, double pay; attact people who want to serve
- best way to get rid of racism stop using it as identifier. Differences keep us from being one
- teach kids earlier about dangers in world: stranger danger, active shooters.
- get rid of political parties; no identification run on ideas not party; force out of buddy system
- cure cancer
- community where you see outside activity; trails
- renovated downtown, no blight;
- parks within city; walking accessibility to city; community is created
- kids are happy, supported, fed, taken care of; builds into the next generation
- build a resilient farming community; homesteading; connect with the earth; problems come from detachment from earth; grow all our own food; getting back to roots;
- more aware of one another; spirituality; native American/Amish lifestyle focus
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