Corporate Session Outcomes
Hosted by German American Bank
Location: 21 SE 3rd Street Building
County: Vanderburgh, IN
Date: October 10, 2019
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
Participant Passions
Carry Forward
Leave Behind
Group 1 Visions
- Connections across river
- Henderson feels isolated
- ferry from Henderson to Evansville or Owensboro
- green spaces in the pick up drop off spaces of ferries
- broadband for all
- shared resource of the river, utilize it better, recreational shared use of river
- water taxi
- excursion boat from community to community
- natural areas, nature preserves are underutilized, develop them
- more collectively, like a wine trail but for wildlife
- provide things to do for families and young people
- close gap for teens, young adults (20 somethings)with things to do
- parks for families
- things for families
- 1935 bridge becomes a linear park, bike to Henderson, walk across the bridge
- other bridge stays car traffic
- free downtown entertainment for families
- permanent Ferris wheel
- hot air balloons on riverfront
- bigger attractions like an aquarium
- outdoor exhibits for children’s like things inside a children’s
- museum that are free
- entertainment for all families regardless of economic status
Group 2 Visions
- electric bus to provide transit to the 5 county region
- lots of renewable energy sources – solar farm, wind farm
- green spaces with trails running throughout
- butterfly habitat
- more interesting architecture
- connected community values multi-modal transportation
- healthy housing
- friendly people
- collaborative effort across business, education, healthcare
- equity in place across the sectors
- connection between all
- regional view
- focus on areas in between developed areas
- shows support outdoor wellness initiatives – trails walking paths playgrounds that connect region
- consistency across the region that supports stronger regional community
- expressway from Mt. Vernon to Newburgh with no stoplights
- expressway from Princeton to Henderson with no stoplights
- Ohio river with 2 electric hydro dams in posey and Warrick counties
- Isaiah 117 house in each of the counties for foster care children
roads - multimodal road
- cooperative efforts across sectors
Group 3 Visions
- dog parks and regular parks in neighborhoods
- a loving community
- trails along the riverfront
- more restaurants downtown
- unity within all of our church communities
- vision of unity within government and townspeople
- more community engagement
- more volunteering
- money stays in community
- series of parks connected by greenways; you can reach anywhere by traveling through nature on bike or foot
- 8-3 is work, 4-10 is family time; less activities–spend time with family!
- no smokestacks
- regional community calendar that anyone can access and add to–advertised through tv & social media so people of all ages can be informed; small businesses and organizations don’t have to advertise about events; clickable links to learn about things going on in community
- 4 pilars (core values) on which this community should hold onto (family, commuity service, faith, education) are still being upheld
literacy for all (above third-grade level) - education continues & individuals don’t get left behind or pushed through
- music & arts are more prominent
- abandoned areas & inner cities are rehabbed & revitalized
- planting of more trees and preservation of woods
- I69 bridge is completed
- artisan ice cream

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