Retreat Session Outcomes
Hosted at the Macleod Barn Abbey, New Harmony, IN
Date: October 25, 2023
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
We actively and intentionally engage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to ensure that ALL voices are heard in addressing the pressing needs of today and building a collective preferred vision for tomorrow. Demographic data are collected from participants and compared to publicly available data for the region to ensure the sample population accurately represents our community.
Hover over the graph icon in the top left corner of each section to compare VOICE data to public data.
In this exercise we asked participants what they are positive or passionate about. Diverse participants have many different passions, but there are common themes.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes of participants’ passions connected to that theme.
Carry Forward
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to carry forward into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
Leave Behind
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to leave behind (NOT carry forward) into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
In this exercise we had participants draw in a group and then individually write and speak their vision of a preferred future for our region. These themes are summaries of what was said.
Use the filter button to view data by different demographic groups. Select a major theme in the visual below to see the minor themes included in it and the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
- southside has access & examples of CEO/Executives/owners; CK Newsome – G4een system/local farmers with grant funding/donations being used for a local neighborhood market, Roxanne’s Deli- traditional food w/ healthy spin, Genny canning for sustainability; neighborhood volunteers all together builds up neighborhood rapport & a subconscious neighborhood watch lowering the crime rate; higher ups accessible email/phone call away–everyone’s voice heard
- schools where EVERY student doesn’t have to worry about transportation (middle school-8:30 am-3:30 pm, high school-9:30am-4:30 pm, elementary-7:30am-2:30pm)
- human library & mentorship
- 5 countries area one connected region
- building/infrastructure reuse
- walking friendly neighborhoods that connect to others
- energy generation–small modular reactors
- integrated senior communities (young & experienced living & learning from each other)
- airport access to the world
- curated lifelong learning plans for all ages
- plenty of green space
- lots of art & inspiration
- diversity of thought & people & experiences
- abundance of mental health providers
- Indoor athletics facility to serve our region and areas outside our region with year-round, athletic tournaments and events. This facility would generate revenue for our community and drive the need for hotels, restaurants, and other events. It would help to stimulate our area and grow our region. We would need more housing and more schools as our region grows. This also creates new jobs for our area. Intern other improvements will follow such as green space, improvement of parks, improvement to healthcare, technology, and greater diversity .
- Community: cultural celebrations, events, healthier, food options, in smaller communities, grocery stores
- Family and homes at a table, traditions, togetherness
- Healthcare: more nurses, dollars, options (debt relief)
- Education: diversity, more time, and less, rushing, more for teachers
- Teenagers area outside and active
- Veterans have mental health support, and more opportunities for jobs
- In person, discussions and meetings
- Civic centers/zoo: more funding, involving the school system
- The community includes safe adults for all kids. Some examples of this area free entry to athletic events for students with staff. Excited to be there and for communities like Mount Vernon to have leisure spaces for kids. We have thriving libraries and a focus on early literacy/education. Mental health services area accessible to all.(transportation, virtual in workplace or in school.) all healthcare comes with a personal advocate. Volunteering is an expectation of all residence. We learn from each other across the counties.
- Diversity of languages
- Less toxic pollution.
- I imagine this region more advanced in cultural awareness. Step out of our own comfort zone. More diversity across-the-board in schools and work.
- Communities work together
- Understanding each other
- Kids playing outside with great playground equipment
- Better transportation system
- technology is focused on preserving the environment
- Technology improves government so that all voices area included and equal
- Education and leisure converse as information is more easily accessible
- The area is welcoming to new residence of all backgrounds and work opportunities for all
- economical neighborhoods – constituents have access to “equal” housing, jobs, resources, and freedoms. “block” communities that area communal – people work & shop, commune & learn, grow, & prosper because EVERYONE has access to the same or similar living & survival opportunities. constituents must be open to sharing & building, maintaining their neighborhoods w/ minimal government control
- family homeless shelters/kitchens
- programs to address food insecurity
- early education programs
- local crisis intervention services
- great, well-paying employment
- quality healthcare
- housing that is affordable and accessible
- community programs and events that reflect the diversity of the local population
- social workers in schools
- strong university programs
- appropriate public funding
- representation of the community in all areas
- an active community with all ages, races, and abilities enjoying outdoor green space, seeking out arts & cultural experiences, neighbors helping neighbors, and learning through each other
- an EVVLife app to understand and to be informed about city services, activities available for all, also on billboards!
- affordable housing availability in all areas of the city and neighborhood markets run by the neighborhood to combat food insecurity
- universal pre-k
- bipartisan think tank in every county
- public funding for crop with requirements: living wage based on average rent in that county, profit sharing, intentional hiring for diversity
- rooftop gardens with produce dedicated to NPOs/schools
- economical/non-denominational faith centers
- community land trusts
- high speed/low cost public transportation through all counties
- regional job corp center
- family homeless shelters
- more playgrounds
- local entertainment
- true regional airport
- community schools
- active environment
- in-home doctors
- veteran support
- homeless assistance housing
- combine all 5 counties into one region–all work together on making EVV airport completion to Louisville & St Louis; all work together as one unit to equalize schools for diversity & equal education & bussing; all fight homelessness together by using more rural areas for homeless shelters without affecting farm ground
- combine all 5 counties into one region–all work together on making EVV airport competitive with Louisville & St Louis; all work together as one unit to equalize schools for diversity & equal education & bussing; all fight homelessness together by using more rural areas for homeless shelters without affecting farm ground
- businesses area diverse as well as schools
- the city is sustainable and eco-friendly, lots of natural trees and plants
- everyone works side-by-side
- kids area active in sports and art, with a passion for learning
- elderly and the retried area provided with their needs and they foster connections
- do unto others as you want done to you; everyone has a smile on their face; everyone lends a helping hand
- respectful awareness of beliefs–humans first
- laughing house – place to be totally silly and laugh
- AI education working with medical, government, business, and solving problems using AI
- abundance of healthy food–people enjoying exercising and healthy living in gardens (food, flowers, etc)
- elderly – shared housing with other elderly
- fossil-fuel-free environment
- education working with business & medical
- volunteer centers
- public sport areas
- public transportation to separate regions
- clean / accessible public parks
- walkable/bike paths across town
- renewable energy resources
- trade / skills school
- automatic water filtration
- clean & active water areas
- public event spaces
- Riverfront businesses that attract nightlife
- More Greenway trails/area
- More hands-on learning centers
- Clean River to use an enjoy less pollution
- Renewable energy, sources
- Playgrounds for senior citizens
- Broadband for everyone (fiber optic)
- Young adults will be mentors, tutors, and role models to the youth. The same adults will be companions to the elderly community.
- Diversity: does not matter background, all help each other
- Work: help others and educate staff and patience of their health, and what they can do for themselves and others
- Leisure: playing outside, with no pollution
- Environment: still enough farmland to feed the country and keep it local
- Education: children area safe, healthy, and educated on the healthy community we have
- Healthcare: helps everyone with no judgment of background, and it is affordable
- No solar panels on our farmland
- Multi Use green space with art areas, playgrounds hands-on learning areas, open air classrooms, and performance areas and accessible trails
- Renewable energy energy with a cleaner environment