Retreat Session Outcomes

Hosted at the MacLeod Barn Abbey, New Harmony, IN

Date: June 12, 2024

Total Participants

Participant Demographics

We actively and intentionally engage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to ensure that ALL voices are heard in addressing the pressing needs of today and building a collective preferred vision for tomorrow. Demographic data are collected from participants and compared to publicly available data for the region to ensure the sample population accurately represents our community.

Hover over the graph icon in the top left corner of each section to compare VOICE data to public data.



In this exercise we asked participants what they are positive or passionate about. Diverse participants have many different passions, but there are common themes.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes of participants’ passions connected to that theme.

Carry Forward

In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to carry forward into a preferred future.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.

Leave Behind

In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to leave behind (NOT carry forward) into a preferred future.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.


In this exercise we had participants draw in a group and then individually write and speak their vision of a preferred future for our region. These themes are summaries of what was said. 

Use the filter button to view data by different demographic groups. Select a major theme in the visual below to see the minor themes included in it and the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme. 

Group 1 Visions

    • More things for children
    • free produce
    • safety and safer parks
    • solar/wind energy
    • clean Ohio river
    • parks, nature preserve
    • more free public transport
    • better, healthy environments
    • a safe community with no violence
    • people based neighborhood
    • using more renewable resources, keeping less waste
    • A better environment, nature preservation
    • good energy
    • playgrounds
    • cleaning the Ohio river
    • drive in movies
    • volunteer parades
    • increased accessibility
    • more real-world learning in schools, more education surrounding the environment

    Group 2 Visions

    • Civic Centers will function to serve the following initiatives: daycare services, youth apprenticeships, elderly, arts and crafts, technology and innovation, training, afterschool homework help, and DEIB training. This could start out local in Evansville and extend to a regional level
    • International Prep Academy for youth ages 10-18: a facility where the youth would learn to cook simple, healthy meals, wash clothes, set a table, cursive writing, and other subject and learn to ask why. The facility will have 3 stoves, 2 washers, 2 dryers, and 2 dining tables
    • Vision for green design of Lloyd Expressway: Inclusion of electric charging ports, green space in median with solar panels and wild flowers, lighting powered by local solar panels with access to grid
    • Child Care improvements – tax/fee from all area employers to career building/upkeep/salaries
    • Elderly Centers mimic neighborhoods but with support – people living with them, barber, doctor, teacher, nurse, etc.
    • Green spaces among and between major roads (noise, pollution, active space, bikes, connectedness, parks)
    • School travel and safety for students
    • Prices of things kids love to be lowered
    • Less drugs and gun violence within neighborhoods
    • Everyone in Evansville should be able to hold themselves accountable for their actions
    • Whoever the mayor is/elected officials will always listen to the community
    • Every city should be offered the best for their community
    • youth chaperones for public transportation – more public transportation
    • universal Child Care
    • mentorship programs (apprenticeships) including all fields – more diversity in our professions
    • easy & free access to healthy foods – community gardens and cooking classes at rec center

    Group 3 Visions

      • Revitalize the community by increasing the focus on prevention
      • increase community education about health
      • create opportunities for community engagement
      • increase diversity in healthcare providers that reflect the community and improve pt/provider concordance
      • Education – we need to support teachers with resources and educational opportunities
      • Let kids see what they can be through mentorship and experience to higher education opportunities 
      • Create more affordable housing
      • offer financial education in schools to support kids in being prepared for home ownership
      • eliminate or reduce food deserts
      • provide more inclusive entertainment for families and consider culture in this decision
      • I would like to build the youth to be better and do better so our community and country will be in a better place for us as we get older
      • Riverfront and parks development – accessible to all – inexpensive and free activities at the park spaces and food and drink
      • Boat ramp downtown – make this a destination place for boaters
      • Sustainable and efficient public transit
      • Affordable Child Care for all
      • Safe sidewalks, bikes
      • Outdoor concert spaces
      • Kids uplifted in schools, transportation, and mentors
      • Food
      • Financial security
      • Manufacturing
      • Bus shelters
      • River based entertainment
      • Back to the basics, practical common sense learning
      • Rolling hills and peacefulness

      Group 4 Visions

      • Renewable energy resources and recycle centers
      • Elderly community centers and daycare 
      • More resources for transportation
      • Access to early preventative healthcare
      • More green spaces
      • Inclusive entertainment activities
      • Education – create educational roundtable to come up with possible creative solutions to problems in schools: or advocating for youth. This can provide motivation and information
      • Connectivity, elder & Child Care
      • Spirituality
      • New paved sidewalks, clean streets
      • In 15 years, Evansville and the entire region will be a model city.
      • Places for the homeless, smiling faces, laughing children, walkable places that connect all throughout the city.
      • Green spaces lining highways
      • Outdoor/indoor activities free to the public
      • Nursing homes fully self-functioning with dedicated volunteers who genuinely care
      • Efficient Public Transportation
      • Numerous green spaces/well kept public parks
      • Walkable cities and neighborhoods
      • Thriving small businesses
      • Healthcare available for all people who need it/better access
      • Retaining top talent
      • Effective public transit
      • Numerous job opportunities in all fields