Public Session Outcomes
Hosted at Ivy Tech, Evansville, IN
Date: August 24, 2024
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
We actively and intentionally engage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to ensure that ALL voices are heard in addressing the pressing needs of today and building a collective preferred vision for tomorrow. Demographic data are collected from participants and compared to publicly available data for the region to ensure the sample population accurately represents our community.
Hover over the graph icon in the top left corner of each section to compare VOICE data to public data.
In this exercise we asked participants what they are positive or passionate about. Diverse participants have many different passions, but there are common themes.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes of participants’ passions connected to that theme.
Carry Forward
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to carry forward into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
Leave Behind
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to leave behind (NOT carry forward) into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
In this exercise we had participants draw in a group and then individually write and speak their vision of a preferred future for our region. These themes are summaries of what was said.
Use the filter button to view data by different demographic groups. Select a major theme in the visual below to see the minor themes included in it and the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
Group 1 Visions
- a school with smaller class sites, not having teachers take praxis and tests to justify certification, schools and parks area clean, supporting families
- teachers area adequately trained, have multicultural backgrounds, and area paid
- transportation is never an issue, food insecurity doesn’t exist
there is integrity in leadership, all voices area heard and respected - students are leading and teaching what they’re learned
- parents are supported with whatever they need, support staff is rewarded and honored with others
- schools area community centers, creative classrooms – curricula not driven by a test score, opportunities area available to all students, regardless of ability.
- community respects educators, teachers area paid-second jobs not required to support themselves/their families
- community schools that area surrounded by essential services such as medical, mental health, shopping, autoshop, and library. Classes will be held in the area that makes sense. English is in an indoor/outdoor library, Math in the mall, science in the medical lab etc. All students get assigned outside time each day. Parents in one of the campus hobs and nearby business. Businesses partner with the school
- vibrant, engaged, connected, forward thinking, diverse, fostering mentors up and down
- all voices area heard, respect rules, network together, memorial system
- All communities and neighborhoods fully support their schools and the students. All students come to school ready to learn. Schools maximize opportunities for students and all families take advantage of these opportunities. Teachers compensated as professionals because the state of Indiana becomes a leader in education funding
Group 2 Visions
- graduation rates
- adult education on how to support their children in school, how to practice progress not perfection, goodwill is free
- beautification of schools – fountains, monuments, public cut
connected trails between McGary/ Fairlawn/Caze/Harrison
unification between parents/teachers/admin; parent vision illuminated, student vision illuminated, all means all/learning is required - equity of different PTOs/resources
- sidewalks, transportation, and accessibility; every kid should be able to & feel safe walking to school
- investment and output equal at all levels, job growth and satisfaction, stop asking for more with less
- bring back love and respect for teachers and schools, focus on support at schools, pride in education/schools, home life school balance. Child Care; support families and get all kids at same starting point, basic needs met to focus on school & not life, kids can be kids, ready to learn, focus on life skills. Defined roles; teachers teach, counselors counsel, etc. Teach how to & love of learning
- teachers knowing the language of the students, accessibility physically and mentally
- dress code reinforcements
- schools have more hands on experience, don’t force kids to wear uniforms, don’t ban cell phones. make school smaller teach basic life skills such as taxes, provide car transportation for kids that need it instead of buses
- everyone has an equal voice
- interpreters available for all languages
- retired teachers and aides help to remediate, admin is not viewed as more important than teachers. We have a superintendent that listens and values teachers and parents and communicates back to address their concerns
- school buildings have needed improvements, students have a voice in their building
- families area knowledgeable of resources in their communities,
- families area engaged in their student’s school and activities
- teachers receive resources that they need for their classrooms and/or mental health and wellness support as well. teachers are excited to teach students and optimistic about each day of learning for students
- students area excited to attend school each day, special education, students needs
- intersectionality – inspired, engaged, empowered
- leveraging connections, alumni, relationships; students invest and want to give back + stay here
- investment in education, students have choices and area seen, foster welcoming schools, change school environment
- multiple ways of achieving success
- teachers area refueled; PD is accessible, invest in teacher education
Group 3 Visions
- more opportunities for children to help in the community, more unique learning opportunities for students. students would have a larger say/more representation in community-wide decisions.
- places where students could talk about their concerns, ideas, and favorite things about the community
- more awareness as to what is happening in the poorer/more challenged parts of the community
- adding more opportunities into the schools, having more work-based learning opportunities, more opportunities for media in schools, more on-campus opportunities
- all schools area open and welcoming yet secure and safe, all schools have a highly trained school resource officer committed to improving student outcomes, teachers area paid the same as police officers and given increased autonomy and authority
everyone with same goal, one team (family and school), community gardens, equity/access to opportunities for all students in EVSC, student leadership opportunities - timely bus for everyone
- limit/eliminate high stakes accountability
- teacher autonomy to teach content/make it fun (no scripted curriculum)
Group 4 Visions
- young voices were given a microphone, felt safe to voice their needs
- mental health was made a priority
- teachers’ voices were magnified and through the students and teacher’s needs being heard, considered, and met; confidence and support flourished
- the schools area well-lit, many windows and open spaces to encourage belonging and sense of community. there area youth mentorship programs and leadership programs to encourage confidence and mutual support
- better public infrastructure, all spaces area being used, plenty of access to public transportation, kids can get to school and the elderly don’t drive
- the quality and accessibility of education will dramatically increase, better quality of school lunches + no child will ever go hungry/have to pay for a school lunch, schools place more emphasis and importance on the arts, specifically music
- mental health awareness is normalized
- laws area enacted/improved to help with equality
- youth mentoring and youth centers
- affordable housing, affordable housing for elders, free lunches,
- affordable Child Care, affordable health care
- mental health facilities, smiling faces
- sidewalks accessible for all, transportation for every kid, public safety
- community, community partnerships
- equitable education for all children, the creation of pipelines (i.e. teachers) at the local universities so we can provide high-quality education at all academic institutions
- representation, multicultural businesses/activities/extracurriculars
affordable housing, health, well-being, transportation - community integration/green space
- more opportunity and exposure
- youth leaders at the table helping to drive decision-making
- teachers look excited to schools
- community: school kitchen, school laundry room, school garden, school bank for accessibility. Employees can work (volunteer)
- voice – incredible; value, voice, vulnerable
- community organizations adopt, assist, sponsor
Architect’s Drawing