School Session Outcomes
Hosted at Bosse High School, Evansville, IN
Date: April 26, 2024
Total Participants
Participant Demographics
We actively and intentionally engage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to ensure that ALL voices are heard in addressing the pressing needs of today and building a collective preferred vision for tomorrow. Demographic data are collected from participants and compared to publicly available data for the region to ensure the sample population accurately represents our community.
Hover over the graph icon in the top left corner of each section to compare VOICE data to public data.
In this exercise we asked participants what they are positive or passionate about. Diverse participants have many different passions, but there are common themes.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes of participants’ passions connected to that theme.
Carry Forward
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to carry forward into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
Leave Behind
In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to leave behind (NOT carry forward) into a preferred future.
Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.

In this exercise we had participants draw in a group and then individually write and speak their vision of a preferred future for our region. These themes are summaries of what was said.
Use the filter button to view data by different demographic groups. Select a major theme in the visual below to see the minor themes included in it and the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.
Group 1 Visions
- better roads, more crossing guards
- we need more playgrounds
- more shelters
- better environment, natural preservation
- better pay, better jobs
- better roads, safer walking options, crossing guards
- cleaner city, nature
- safer for kids
- less homelessness, more housing
- more catering for teachers
- accessibility
- food security
- better/affordable healthcare
- better treatment/higher pay for teachers
- more community events and engagement
- better roads, cleaner spaces, safer areas for kids, bridges or more crosswalks, crossing guards
- better roads, more bridges, crosswalks/crossing guards, more housing
- cleaner spaces, safer areas for kids, more playgrounds
- everything peaceful and clean
- people happy and healthy as a country
Group 2 Visions
- more recycling
- more healthcare
- religion
- more homeless community
- more peace, less violence
- more religion events
- working for an airline and being a great stewardess
Group 3 Visions
- More things for children
- free produce
- safety and safer parks
- solar/wind energy
- clean Ohio river
- parks, nature preserve
- more free public transport
- better, healthy environments
- a safe community with no violence
- people based neighborhood
- using more renewable resources, keeping less waste
- A better environment, nature preservation
- good energy
- playgrounds
- cleaning the Ohio river
- drive in movies
- volunteer parades
- increased accessibility
- more real-world learning in schools, more education surrounding the environment
Architect’s Drawing