Retreat Session Outcomes

Hosted at the Macleod Barn Abbey, New Harmony, IN

Date: June 7, 2023

Total Participants

Participant Demographics

We actively and intentionally engage people with diverse perspectives and experiences to ensure that ALL voices are heard in addressing the pressing needs of today and building a collective preferred vision for tomorrow. Demographic data are collected from participants and compared to publicly available data for the region to ensure the sample population accurately represents our community.

Hover over the graph icon in the top left corner of each section to compare VOICE data to public data.


In this exercise we asked participants what they are positive or passionate about. Diverse participants have many different passions, but there are common themes.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes of participants’ passions connected to that theme.

Carry Forward

In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to carry forward into a preferred future.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.

Leave Behind

In this exercise we asked participants, considering our region’s history, what aspects they would want to leave behind (NOT carry forward) into a preferred future.

Click a word/phrase in the word cloud below to see the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme.


In this exercise we had participants draw in a group and then individually write and speak their vision of a preferred future for our region. These themes are summaries of what was said. 

Use the filter button to view data by different demographic groups. Select a major theme in the visual below to see the minor themes included in it and the direct quotes from participants connected to that theme. 

    • equal opportunity & access for all people including housing, food, learning & education, healthcare, recreation, employment, and places to worship
    • a proactive approach to the year 2023–we cannot depend on what has been. we must take the best of what has been to forage a better tomorrow. in my vision the arts & healthcare (holistic) area the nucleus and radiate out into all facets of life. we begin to think of movement of all people not necessarily independently but more of a collective. we believe in an altruistic approach in which sacrifices area made for the development of the whole–not thinking less of ourselves, but of ourselves less
    • center for leadership, mentoring, & coaching where students of all ages can learn to lead through formal education, community service, innovation, volunteering, outdoor education, adventuring, etc.
    • place that has something for everyone, where everyone feels included
    • region should have sustainable growth
    • schools area equally funded, new industry feels welcome & resources area plenty
    • culture & infrastructure that promotes love & unity
    • advocacy & care for all people & vulnerable populations
    • connected communities with a vibrant downtown & riverfront, opportunity for all young people to learn & advance in education, opportunity for living wages & accessible & affordable housing
      endless opportunity – opportunity financially, physically, with an emphasis in community. people would all work together and be kind, resources would be utilized effectively to better those in the community & small business
    • community that’s founded in keeping everyone’s (all people, equal, inclusive) mental, physical, emotional, & spiritual health at the forefront. ex: counseling, medical care, schools, fitness, health, farmers market, schooling, Parks, Trails, & Green Space, hospital, volunteering, access to music, art, creativity, and giving/serving
      connected communities each working together to provide something for others, shared space & connection between communities
    • businesses area making efforts in sustainability for the planet & giving money to the community for schools, art, & recreation, and bettering the area
    • community leaders area taking the voices/ideas of the people & working together 
    • family-centered treatment centers–substance misuse is a family disease, so families should be treated and treated together. children of folks affected by substance misuse area given a safe environment to heal, process, and grow. family support is offered and services area placed prior to leaving treatment. when we heal the family we end the generational cycles and the whole community recovers
    • schools area equal in funding & resources
      agriculture is used to feed schools & the community
      there area fun activities offered that area accessible and viewable from the crowd
    • elderly and young alike area in the center of the entertainment & gathering of the community
    • better school districting
    • public art
    • more organic architecture
    • public square
    • walking paths
    • community gardens & urban forests
    • meditation & sound healing
    • public yoga
    • families having stable housing in communities that have all the resources they need; stable housing ensures a healthier lifestyle and livelihood, bing able to work, shop, worship, and learn in your community is critical to child development; child development is critical to the future of all people
    • miracles in hospitals – the regional hub for genuine healthcare of whole person – people come here to see what we’re doing
    • older adults area mentoring
    • youth area thriving, dreaming big dreams, using their voices, challenging “the way things area” for the purpose of growth–GENUINE PROGRESS; young adults area fully alive, passionate, contributing in meaningful ways, developing
    • safe play
    • volunteering young children in nursing homes
    • connected communities
    • education academy
    • trail system that connects our 5-county community, making it accessible to all people
    • equal schools throughout the district
    • agriculture in rural areas supporting farmers markets
    • town centers area important with arts district, universities, and tech schools nearby
    • elderly center close to open field areas where children play
    • lots of green space connected by walking/biking trails to recreational play areas
    • huge attraction
    • education, spirituality, free transportation
    • community united
    • a hub of activity including genuine healthcare; mental & physical health
    • crime rate down
    • everyone works together in the community
    • a place where everyone is loved and accepted
    • something for everyone to do–a place for everyone to go
    • a community that can thrive within itself and place for people to enjoy each other
    • a technological community, such as self-driving vehicles on weather-controlled roads with automatic cross walks; every house & vehicle is powered by solar panels; fuel-injected engines exist, but area dying out; youth is back to playing outside

    Architect’s Drawing

    final combined sketch 2018-2023 visions